It's been a busy news week so far. The week began with news that North Carolina voters passed a (state) Constitutional Amendment banning gay marriage. I don't know much about the Carolina's but I was surprised by the vote. Historically South Carolina is often pointed to as the official beginning of the
South and therefore I assumed NC was a bit more liberal. As Rupaul said, "North Carolina that means you are up for elimination." The bad news was quickly followed by good news via President Obama. He gave an interview with ABC News officially coming out in favor of gay marriage. He left the door open adding that it was still a states right to define the law, but personally he supported the legalization of gay marriage. Bravo President Obama, you're headed in the right direction.

In other, much less important news, John Travolta is being sued by two unnamed male masseurs claiming he sexually assaulted them. The details are unclear but it sounds like Travolta made a sexual advance while getting a massage. The two men are listed in the law suit as "John Doe" because they are afraid of embarrassment and press coverage. That almost makes me believe their story even more. If they were just fame hungry trash trying to get attention their names would be plastered in every news paper headline. Of course that could change and they me be Monday's guest of the Today show. (I can also picture Travolta trying to get a
Handy J from a muscled up masseuse.) A piece of advice straight from me to you John: "Girl, you better throw buckets of cash at these two guys because you live in a house of Scientology cards that's about to be blown down. I don't see this issue going away quickly if you don't."

Michelle Bachmann didn't want to be left out so she decided to make her own news. She announced this week that she has just become a Swiss citizen. Her husband (who's not gay but probably BFF with John Travolta) is of Swiss decent so her whole family decided to take advantage. Oh you crazy Swiss Miss Bitch.
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