If they made this t-shirt for men, I would be the first in line to buy it. To say I love it... is an understatement. To quote Racheal Zoe "It's BANANAS!" As it stands, I may buy the women’s version, cut off the front and sew it onto a men’s shirts. (kidding) Those of you who know me well, you know that I have a huge distaste for logos. The Polo pony is barely digestible. I don't want to be your advertising. However, it's different when the logo is for a company or (in this case) designer I cherish. Karl Lagerfeld is one of my all time favorite designers. (With the death of Alexander McQueen last year he was moved up to first place.) This shirt is from his new collection for Macys which debuts this week. Please Karl...create a men's line! Preferably with this image on a heather gray men's tee.
*Karl Lagerfeld is the head designer for Chanel and Fendi along with his own personal label.
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