Despite her impressive career, she has come under fire lip syncing at the inauguration. I don't care that she wasn't singing live but now she'll have all eyes and ears locked waiting for a hint of a anything other then live. Honestly I wouldn't be offended if she lip synced again. When I think of Beyonce, dancing and performing is what comes to mind first. Not vocal strength. She has a good voice, but it's not GREAT. Whenever she tries to show off her vocal talent it always sounds likes she's raspy and straining. She has a really good voice for a dancer and performer. However, if we were evaluating her just on voice talent she would get a B+. Christina Aguilera and Adele have much stronger pipes. Mariah Carey's voice was amazing but it hasn't stood the test of time and life. Beyonce serves up dancing and an amazing stage show so I can giver her a pass on singing live. Now if Adele was performing, I'd give her shit for lip syncing. Adele's voice is her whole act. Her stage performances consist of standing still in front of the mic. That's totally cool because she makes up for it with that voice. If you think of it, the better someone's voice is the less they move on stage. Can you ever remember Whitney Houston doing choreography? I rather have Beyonce shaking her hips and twisting her wrist to Single Ladies over a lifeless performance of Ave Maria.
On a side note: I'll enjoy Beyonce's performance but I doubt she can top last year's epic show given by Madonna. I was so excited to see Madonna and she delivered on all points. Plus her performance was the highest rated Super Bowl half time show EVER!! FOREVER EVER!
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