Dear Mr. Timberlake,

You've carved yourself a unique niche in show business but it seems you want to return to your musical roots. Understandable, your fans have been waiting for new music your years and on paper it sounds like a great idea. Sadly the reality got lost in translation. To be honest, I suspect your motive for releasing a new album was purely monetary. Some big record exec probably threw buckets of cash your way in exchange for one more record. Now we the public must suffer through the 20/20 Experience. I haven't heard the entire album but the first single Suit and Tie was released to lukewarm reactions. Ok, I'll be blunt, Suit and Tie is/was shit awful. When it tanked my faith in humanity was restored a little bit. Now you've released a second single Mirrors. It's never a good sign when one single is release so soon after the first.(and the album isn't even out yet) Yikes! Obviously that money wielding executive is getting getting nervous. Mirrors is a good song and a big improvement over S&T. Before you get to excited I said good, not great. The main obstacle is length. Mirrors clocks in at a mind numbing 8 minutes long. 8 FUCKING MINUTES! Are you kidding me?!
The Gay Gasp
P.S.- You were obviously uninspired for this album. Suit and Tie, Mirrors... I picture you sitting on the couch at home looking around the room for song ideas. There last song on the album is called Blue Ocean Floor. I bet you $10 JT has blue carpet somewhere in his house. Is your next song going to be Duvet Cover?
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