Now to some unfinished business. My first post of the year was The Horoscope Test. It detailed how my year would shape up as predicted by the stars and moons. Now that the year is over, I want to take a look back and check it for accuracy.
"Now that Chiron is finally coming out of your work sector this February after an extended seven-year saga of pushing every social insecurity button known to man, your work environment should be considerably less painful."
This kind of true. As I said, 2009 was my shit year... in large part due to my job at the time. So there is definitely truth to the seven year saga part. However, the seven year saga ended in mid 2010. Apparently I'm moving faster then the cosmos and my horoscope can't keep up.
"Between the end of January and June, Jupiter comes back to bless your sector of legacy and other people's money. You'll likely be gifted with a considerable karmic jackpot in the form of a donation, gift, inheritance or loan."
You won't be surprised to learn that this it totally false. No large gifts of money or wealth came my way in 2011. Horoscope #Fail
"Your love life is beyond rich and transformational again this year. After enduring a prolonged deprivation spell, where true love seemed like something that only happened to other people, your turn for real love has arrived. Chances are you're already in the midst of a very soulful tryst that began last year. But if you happen to be one of the remaining diehard hermits, get ready to experience one of the most intense romantic encounters of your lifetime. Your birthday season tops the charts in garnishing romance and pleasure, so be sure to take some time off to properly enjoy the amorous gifts of Venus."
Yes I've been had a 'prolonged deprivation spell, where true love seemed like something that only happened to other people' but I've kept that spell in full force. I was curious to see if in fact I'd find a great love on my birthday. The only thing I found was a man with a boyfriend. Even though I didn't find a new romance, I had the absolute best birthday of my life.
To conclude: My horoscope was total crap.
*If you'd like to read the full prediction, The Horoscope Test is still up under January 1st 2011.
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