Me: That's enough and don't say that to my sister every again. It's not funny and it's disrespectful.
Wes: WTF? It was a joke, calm down.
Me: I don't care, it's not funny. Don't say it again.
Wes LOST IT. I'll spare the long back story, but let's just say he has anger management issues. As I told my sister later, it was worth the risk of getting punched out. Someone had to stand up to him. I was also fascinated to see him get more and more upset as I sat there calm and collected. He got so flustered and angry that he left without taking a pug. I have to say I was very proud of myself. I am sick of "biting my tongue and being a doormat. Score one for me! My sister was surprised because she said she's never seen me get mad before. Honestly, it's extremely rare. I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt or tell myself it's not worth getting upset. I used to think if you show your emotion then you've let them win. Fuck that! Sometimes in life you have to get angry and fight back.
Side Note: Wes' only comeback to me was about being gay and fat. As he got more upset, there were jabs like "Shut up Jabba the Hut," "I'm getting shit from a fat gay guy," and "Don't get your vagina in a twist." I was smart enough to keep my sassy tongue to myself. Although I WANTED to say, "Fat and gay? Duh! Come on, you can do better then that can't you?"
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