Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Birthday Round Up

I'm back from vacation and I hate it. After some vacations I am dying to get home and get back to normal. This was not one of those times and I could have stayed away for at least another week. Going to Boston was a great idea and the highlight of the trip was the underwear party at The Alley. But before I get to the bears and their underwear lets I'll start at the beginning. The New London boys and I drove up to Newton MA and took the T into the city. It took a little extra time, but it saved us about $60. What I didn't count on was a Red Sox game. Crap! The line for parking was very long and we ended up being one of the last cars to get a space. Once we walked to the terminal cars were being turned away.

We arrived at the Omni Parker House hotel around 4 but the housekeeping staff was still cleaning our room. Luckily there was a Marshalls and TJ Maxx about a block away. One thing I've learned about the New London boys is that they LOVE to shop for underwear. (Unfortunately there wasn't a great selection) Justin and I went back to the hotel first and we were stunned when the bell hop opened the door to reveal a huge room. Two beds, pull out sofa, desk, bathroom, changing area, and tons of extra space. Amazing! That night we met up with Mr. Burchell and Mr. Meatball for dinner at Maggianos for a great Italian meal, cute waiter included.

After a quick change it was on to the Alley for the main event. As soon as I walked in I was surprised to find Dan and Mike had come up for the night. Thanks guys! Upstairs we went and the pants came off! There are not many specific details to tell but it was just a very good bar night. It was the perfect mix of old friends and new cuties. Dan and Mike were hanging out with the gainer boys so we ended up joining their crowd. I got drunk and danced my ass off to some weird mash ups. Momma Said Knock You Out with Come on Ilene. Really? One thing I can say is that the Connecticut crew had the best underwear in the building. Come on Mass boys, you need to step up your game. Good undies or not, the bar was packed with hot men. There was a cute blond named Nick, a brunette named Charlie, and a very tall boy who's name I don't remember. When you leave a bar and you're drunk, the best thing is having a hotel only a block away. Thank you Omni Parker House.

Sunday consisted of a walk to Newbury St for more shopping and sweets from Mike's Pastry. Apparently I'm the only one on earth who hasn't heard of this famous goodie palace. We got there about a 1/2 hour before closing. There was a line out the door and down the block. Easily 200 people waiting for cannoli and creme puffs. We assumed they would be sold out of items due to the late hour. But as the girl behind the counter told us (twice) "We have everything." We walked away with a heavy box of pastry goodness. Russ and Josh still had enough energy to hit the Alley for Karaoke. Justin and I were tired so we stayed behind and tuned in to see an encore presentation of a White Snake concert. Score? It was neither White nor Snake.

I had a great weekend and I can honestly say I started 30 off with a bang! A big thanks goes out to Josh, Justin, Russ and everyone else who came along for the ride on Saturday. Here is your shout out:

Josh: You were a great cuddle buddy and thanks to an underwear fashion show I realized that you have a HOT body that looks great in cloths. The M Jacobs baiting suit was a good choice.

Justin: "You are LITERALLY the worst!" Of course you know I'm kidding. It was such a small detail, but I was really touched that you knew me well enough to see through the Facebook birthday countdown. Oh... and two hours have gone by... it's snack time.

Russ: Great buy at Ben Sherman. To get the bag you want, in your favorite color is hard to find. Plus is was on sale. Score. Also check out www.CKU.com I think they have the underwear you are looking for.

Joe: As always, It was great to see you. You are always my singing and dancing buddy at the bar. It would not have been a birthday party without you.

Mr. Burchell: I'm glad you came up for the weekend. One thing I never asked you at the bar... How did the new trunks work out? Did you end up going over or under the belly?

Dan and Mike: I was very excited to see you at the bar because it was so unexpected. I was even more excited to see you let loose and come upstairs. Also unexpected. Now I'll be poaching your friends list on FB for some of the hot guys you introduced me to.

Mr. Larson: It made me sad that stupid Boston rules wouldn't let you show off your jock. It made your ass look juicy and delicious. Motorboat!

Angry Alan: Someone said you were at the Alley, but I never saw you. Phantom Alan?

Bob and Jeff Malden: I'm glad you ditched Convergence for the night to come and party. I have always had a great time with you guys, but half naked is always better. We had the extra space, you should have crashed in our room.

Jason: Thank you for escaping Danvers to come and celebrate my birthday. I hope the trip down didn't cause a brouhaha. You don't let you hair down very often, so I take it as a compliment that you did so on my day. I'm still surprised you let us get you in your underwear in front of strangers.

Jeff and Olie: I hope your first trip to Boston was a good one. There is still more of the city to see, but a hundred half naked bears is a good start.

Jimmy Meatball: I'm glad you came to dinner with us. I didn't see you much at the Alley, but I hope you had a good time.

John and Mike Bear: I think it was a last minute trip, but it was good to see you healthy and happy. Plus Happy (early) Birthday Mike!


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