Financial advise from someone who is broke: You might find yourself in a situation where you can't pay all of your bills. If you have to skip/miss a payment try and choose a utility bill because they do not impact your credit score. Payments for electricity, cable, heat, and oil can all be late without long lasting consequences beyond late fees.
I cancelled by cable yesterday. I needed to cut costs and I've been considering it for a while. I deeply love watching television so it's going to be a BIG adjustment. Luckily I can watch Drag Race and the Wendy Williams show online. Now if E Fashion Police would join in and put full episodes online everything would be perfect. Yes those are the my top three favorite shows. (I don't want to live in a world without Wendy Williams) More to come on this topic as time goes on.
I was talking to a couple of friends the other day and found myself in a very unique situation. As we talked it occurred to me that I was the only person there in a relationship. I was the classic Carrie single girl amongst a sea of married friends for so many years that it's a refreshing change to be on the other side. I don't write about my relationship very often because it's the area of my life that I'm the happiest in and most people don't want to read a sappy article about mushy love stuff. I'm consistently amazed at what a good pair we are together.
During that same conversation I also got a solid piece of wisdom that I wanted to share. While we were talking about past mistakes, a friend pointed out how easy it is to confuse strong sexual chemistry with true intimacy. How many of us have been guilty of that in the past?! It was a truth bomb and I was Pearl Harbor.
Add Oklahoma to the list! I keep a running list of all the states I've been to and will take any opportunity to add a new one to said list. In talking to my boyfriend, I discovered that I'm in the minority on this practice. Regardless, I finally crossed the boarder and Oklahoma has been conquered. (We took Russ' parents to see Frankie Valli) There's a small possibility that Louisiana also be added later this year if I decide to go to Decadence.
I have to give another plug for the Vitamin String Quartet. The LA based group is a bunch of classical musician's who cover well know pop songs. For example they have a whole album devoted to Lady Gaga covers. BANANAS! (said in the voice of Rachel Zoe) VSQ doing Bad Romance is my favorite. Then I looked them up on Spotify and found out they have an even bigger catalog to choose from. Definitely worth checking out. #Trimblewouldbeproud
I now own www.thegaygasp.com. More to come on that in the very distant future.
P.S. Before the angry comments start: I'm not saying Elton never wrote lyrics, I'm just saying it wasn't his 'thing.'
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