still consider the Academy Awards (Oscars) to be the best award show of the lot. The Academy tends to have the best track record. No one is perfect and no one can try to pick the best of the best every year with a blemish free record. There are untold amount of biases that swirl around a new movie especially during award season. Voters can get swept up in the pomp and circumstances of a contender. However once the dust settles only time will tell which movie will still be good 10+ years from now and which movies will be laughed at as a lovable loser stuck it the past. With that in mind, I'm going to try and take a step back and navigate through all the advertising and campaigning to give my honest opinion of which movie really is the best of 2014.
It should be noted I have not seen nominees Captain Phillips, Nebraska, and Philomena. However I can tell you Nebraska and Philomena's nomination is their award. If a film that small has a chance to win Best Picture there needs to be a tremendous amount of buzz and trophies from other award shows. Sadly both are lacking in both categories.
Nominees (in no particular order)
American Hustle: American Hustle is a good movie. American Hustle is not a great movie. Part of me is sort of stunned it's even nominated for Best Picture much less a leading contender. Then the other part of me realizes the cast is like a hand picked Oscar favorites party. (Everyone has a previous nomination. Bale and Lawrence already have a trophy at home) At best it's a pretty good movie with weird wigs and two likable female leads. The movie centers around con artists Christian Bale and Amy Adams. Jennifer Lawrence is Bale's nutty wife and Bradley Cooper is the CIA agent trying to catch them. Bale and Lawrence's role are the flashiest and well done but it's Amy Adams who delivers the best performance keeping the movie grounded. Personally I wish Adams was in the Best Supporting Actress category because that would be a no brainer. The rest of the movie is fine at best. Of all the nominees this is the best example of award season over inflation. After a year or two, or even a month or two, we're all going to look back with the same feeling of regret that looms over the English Patient. Jennifer Lawrence's role also needs to be addressed. She was funny and charming and I'll admit she stole the spotlight. Does she deserve another Oscar for the performance? Absolutely not! I'll be very disappointed if she takes home the trophy purely because she's the It-Girl of the moment. (That already happened last year) Hopefully the Academy will see through all the glitter and wigs and realized American Hustle is just average movie with a convoluted plot and good soundtrack.
Gravity: Gravity was a spectacular movie and tied for my favorite movie of the year. I was impressed and captivated by the space odyssey about sorrow and rebirth. I give the director credit for having the courage to feature only a single character despite the tremendous risk. Sandra Bullock proved me wrong and gave the best performance of her career. Gravity is unique and innovative. Unfortunately it's uniqueness is what makes it a wild card and this is the one movie I'm the most unsure of how history will look back on it. On one hand, Sandra Bullock gave a very strong performance coupled with an even better screen play which leads it down the path of great movie status. On the other hand, movies that rely heavily of special/visual effects tend to expire quickly. The latest and greatest digital universe will always be outdone by the next blockbuster. I loved this movie and honestly think it's one of the best of the year but I still have a nagging feeling that my enthusiasm might not last in years to come. While we can already see American Hustle's over inflation, is Gravity following close behind it? Is my own judgment clouded by Bullock who I didn't think could pull off the role so successfully? Or by the visual scope and magnitude of outer space? Or better yet by a film that dared to cast only two actors, one of which has only minimal screen time? All fare questions that I can't answer. However I really think there is solidly good movie underneath it all the shine and spectacle that will be just as good to audiences in the future. Gravity has a very good chance at winning Best Picture which would a job well done.

Her: Spike Jonez's quiet story about a man who falls in love with his operating system is as much a modern drama as it is a revolutionary Sci Fi look into the future. It really has no chance of winning Best Picture but I think this will be the movie that in 20 years we are still talking about and asking "How did Her lose Best Picture?" Her is tied with Gravity for my favorite movie of the year. If I had to choose one to win in 2014, the Best Picture envelope would only have three letter when opened. I've always been a fan of Spike Jonez because his movie are always outside the box and from an original point of view. For example, every movie where a computer gains consciousness somehow always leads to total world destruction. (See 2001: A Space Odyssey) Jonez gives us another alternative future where conscious operating systems are kind and considerate with thoughts and feelings as complex as any human. All of the director's social and technological cometary isn't overwhelming though. Instead it's a pastel backdrop that frames a truly heartfelt love story. Scarlett Johansson's voice work as Samantha is shockingly believable and layered. Joaquin Phoenix as Theodore is the every man we can all identify with who opens his heart up to an electronic devise. Amy Adams also gives a good showing as Phoenix's (human) friend. This movie will be watched by film classes for years to come. Everything from the total lack of product placement to the deliberate costume design all left me cheering. However, to play devils advocate to myself... Her may also be the most hipster nonsense movie of all time. (Side note: the fact that Joaquin Phoenix wasn't nominated for Best Actor is a travesty but mostly his own fault. The actor has repeatedly bad mouthed the awards in the past.

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