A special note: I've got a lot to say about this vacation, so I'm going to break it up into parts one and two. Part one mainly focusing on Connecticut and family while part two will just be Manhattan and New York.
I've never brought a boyfriend home before. I guess its one of those milestone moments that moves you along in life. From the beginning I knew the visit would go well. Before you ever meet him, my boyfriend is good on paper. The term 'good on paper' comes from Sex and the City and refers to a guy that, if you listed all his attributes on paper, would look very appealing. It can also be thought of as all the questions a mom would ask. "Does he have a good job? Where does he live? What kind of car does he drive? Is he close with his family?" (You get the idea) A guy might be kind and wonderful but he's a tough sell to dad if he can't keep a job and live in his parents basement. Russ is great on paper and when you meet him in person his charm and manners can sway even the harshest critics. He proved me right in every way. Everyone laughed and felt relaxed without the awkward getting to know you shy phase. My parents approval isn't needed but there's still something amazing when your new man wins over your mom. It makes you feel like you've done something right as their child.
As I expected the afternoon wrapped up around 6 pm. Our next stop was a comfortable evening at Jeff and Ollie's. They were nice enough to invite us over for some fireworks and hotdogs. Although it was a small group we still had a lot to laugh about. Overall it was a short but great trip. Hopefully next time we'll have more time so we can see more friends and family.
P.S. Its interesting seeing your home town through someone else's eyes. Russell couldn't get over how green and lush everything was. Having grown up there, I guess I took for granted all leafy trees and green grass.
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