With the flags waiving for bear pride and chubby pride, one things still fascinates me. Maybe I took one to many Sociology classes but I've always been interested in the reasons behind other people's opinions. There is one word representing a small sect in the gay community that causes very strong reactions from all sides. Gainers. If you're out of the loop a gainer is just what it sounds like, someone who gains weight on purpose. They want to be big. In my experience, when the subject comes up, people tend to think it's strange, weird, or gross. That's fine and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but what I find truly fascinating is that a lot of these same people are also attracted to chubby guys. As if one has nothing to do with the other? Guess what, most people are fat because they eat to much and don't exercises enough. (myself included) Yet there is an unspoken social rule that says if you're fat you can be sexy BUT you shouldn't want to be fat on purpose. If you're trying to gain weight there must be something wrong with you. Am I the only one who sees the irony here?
My good friend Stan once told me a story about the best way to pick up chasers: "When you're a chubby guy, the easiest way to get a chaser is to act sky and pretend like you think you're ugly. The more you pretend to have low self esteem the more they eat it up. Saying things like, 'I don't really like my body, I mean I could never get a guy like you...' always seals the deal." I know this is an extreme example and I can hear all the chasers starting to get offended, but I think there is still some truth to it. Again it goes back to that unwritten social rule: a big guy may be comfortable with himself, but if he ever had the choice he would choose to be skinny. The hot chub is seen as a victim of his circumstances and the proud chubby gainer is seen as a freak.
After reading this, I know everyone is curious to know what my opinion is and if I am a gainer. I'll give it to you straight:
First, I have no problem with gainers and I don't think it's weird. There was a time when I didn't understand it until I made an important connection. Gainers have almost the exact same mentality as body builders. Think about it, both groups want more body mass. The only difference is once group chooses muscle and one chooses fat. Once I made that connection I understood it a lot more. If it's considered 'normal' to spend most of your day in the gym and use illegal drugs just to gain muscle mass, why is it so strange to want to be fat? With regard to the 'it's not healthy' argument, who amongst us is healthy enough to throw that stone in their big glass house? 
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