As I dug deeper in the back of my brain I
started to uncover general concepts and ideas rather then a specific lesson. As
Oprah herself would say, “Ah Ha moments.” A good example came from an episode in
her final season. She featured a panel consisting of several of her most famous
talk show rivals. Ricky Lake , Phil Donahue, Sally Jessie, and Montel Williams
were all there to reminisce about the past. What struck me was when the topic of
competition came up. Everyone on the panel remembered ways they tried to compete
with and be more like Oprah. Jerry Springer and trash tv came up as an obvious
example. She responded by saying that she never tried to compete with or change
her format. Her secret to success was that she always strived to be more of
herself in every show. Don’t try and change to be more like your competition but instead be true to yourself.
I was struck by what she said and
I’ve tried to apply it to my blog. Whenever I am unsure of whether to post
something I try and remember the basic building blocks of my blog. Does it make
sense with who I am? By doing so I’ve scrapped a couple topics and ideas. The
cancelled posts are usually about major life or news events. For example: I have
ignored much of the presidential race thus far. I decided I am not informed
enough to make an educated commentary on the subject. If I posted anything it
would probably be a rehash of what has already been said by someone else.
So I'll continue to blog on and stay true to myself. On that note, as I wrote this post I realized I haven't written anything about fashion in a long time. I'm overdue! Look for an upcoming guide to summer fashion article coming soon. If you're curious of what the original "What I Learned" list looked like, here's a glimpse. Funny enough most of these tips come from one episode about safety tips.
-If you are ever held up or mugged,
do not let them take you to a second location. If they bring you someplace else,
you won’t return.
-Pay attention to peoples actions. A person will always reveal who they really are from the very beginning, you just have to pay attention. Otherwise you end up say things like, "Now that you mention it, he did (fill in the blank) when we first met..."
-You get what you expect out of
-If you are ever being attached yell
fire. When you yell “Help” or "Rape" people are apt to ignore you. People are more likely
to come to the aid of a fire. Sad but true.
-Walk looking straight ahead.
Looking down is an unconscious sign of submission
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