Have you ever asked yourself, "Why is ______ still famous? I want to be the person who makes those decisions. In my fantasy I'm a major Hollywood big-wig who has the power to make or break careers. My whims would determine who's in and who's out.
First on the list is Kelly Clarkson. She's a sweet girl, but she needs to sashay away. I never watched her on American Idol but she caught my attention with her hit Breakaway. I remember driving to work in Danbury and hearing it on the radio over and over and over again. The turning point came once I heard her heartbreak anthem Since You've Been Gone. I fell in love. Truth be told that was the height of her career and she's never been able to regain that momentum. In more recent years her songs have been good none have come close to being memorable. Now I'm just sick of her mediocrity. She did a good job at the Superbowl but it wasn't enough. Her career has been on life support for too long and someone needs to pull the plug. Please let me pull the plug!

Jennifer Hudson is another celeb who needs her plug pulled. Also a fellow American Idol alum, her career has taken a much different path. After being voted off Idol she was cast as Effie White in the motion picture
Dreamgirls. In case you were under a rock... I'll give you the short back story.
Dreamgirls was a Broadway musical that older gays fawn over. The whole movie/musical comes down to one song,
And I'm Telling You. The original song was performed by Jennifer Holiday and she set the bar so high that it was almost universally agreed that no one could compete. When the movie came out Jennifer Husdon shocked everyone and belted it out of the park. For her efforts she got an Oscar. Since her Oscar win JHud released a critically successful album and lost her mother and nephew in a car crash. Now she's on tv as the spokesperson for Weight Watchers. (those damn commercials are on every 5 seconds) Sadly, being the face for weight loss is the first step on the road to D-list stardom. Now her only hope is landing a judging gig on a reality show or getting cast on Dancing w/ the Stars. Let's face it Jen... your A-list career is done.
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