I’ve wanted to make this post for a while but I struggled to address the subject without it turning into public therapy. To avoid that trap I am going to pose it as a question: If you were single and had to meet a mate using only your looks OR your personality which would you choose? For example would you send someone a picture without any message or would you have a conversation without any visual. Meeting a guy online can come close to this experience but everyone always asks to see a picture or have a short conversation. (even if it’s just “What are you into?”)
What’s the point? The point: my choice would be to send a picture. I’m much more confident in my body and physical presentation. When it comes down to conversation and personality I feel much more insecure. Truth be told I'm not that interesting to be around. I'm very curious to know what everyone else would choose as their strength. I have a nagging suspicion that more people would choose personality. But maybe I'm wrong. So what about you...Body or Personality?